Church-Planting and Pulpit-Priority (post featured on the Cripplegate)

In the fourth entry in Eric’s  Fledgling Church Planter Series, the idea that a dichotomy exists between Expository Preaching and being Missional Church philosophy / methodology is discussed and challenged:

The great need for the fledgling-planter is not to one-up those other pastors who are not as missional as you, and just don’t get community. The great need is not to pace your undersized office floor and figure out what those unfortunate churches have failed to do. Neither is the call to invent the most innovative way to do community groups and mission. Rather, the need is for us to do community and evangelism, by giving ourselves fully to expository preaching, which will subsequently equip the saints so that they can effectively do community and evangelism as well. Some of us fledgling-planters could benefit ourselves, and those to whom we minister, by giving less time to finding the latest missional methods which seem to be filling pews, and more to verse-by-verse exposition, which will save and sanctify.

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